Upload Files & Earn Money

Upload your files and share them anywhere to start earning money from downloads. As a visitor, you can upload up to 1GB for free. As a member (free), enjoy 5GB of free storage. Create your account now and take advantage of the 5GB free offer!

Our Features

Enjoy a simple and fast file upload process with Tanzil.ma. The platform offers a user-friendly interface for uploading your documents, photos, and videos with just a few clicks. No technical expertise required; simply drag and drop your files to start the upload instantly.

Earn Money
Earn Money

by uploading your files and sharing the download links. Each time your files are downloaded, you earn money.

Live Statistic
Live Statistic

Track your earnings in real-time with Tanzil.ma’s live stats feature. Monitor downloads and see how much you’re earning instantly, all from a user-friendly dashboard.

Simple Upload
Simple Upload

Easily upload your files with Tanzil.ma’s simple upload feature. No technical skills required—just drag and drop your files, and they’ll be securely hosted in seconds.

How it Works

Drag and drop your files to start the upload process. Once the files are uploaded, you will receive an instant shareable link. Share the link with others and earn money for each download.

Upload Your Files

Simply drag and drop your documents, images, or videos, and they will be securely stored on our platform, ready to be shared.

Share Download Link

Share this link with your audience, friends, or on social media, allowing others to access and download your content.

Earn Money

Every time someone downloads your files, you earn money. Track your earnings through our live stats feature and receive payments through multiple methods, including PayPal, CMI, and Wafacash.


Tanzil.ma provides answers to frequently asked questions about how to use the site, such as how to upload and share files, the duration files remain on the site, how to report illegal content, and information about earnings and how to receive them.

If your files are inactive, they will be deleted after 90 days. If they are active and regularly downloaded, they will remain for 30 days after the last download.

You can submit a complaint via email to contact@tanzil.ma.

Answer: You can check the payout rates page via this link payout-rates to see the earnings per 1,000 downloads for each country.

Your money will be sent to your chosen destination (PayPal, CMI, Wafacash, etc.) within a maximum of two weeks.

You can have an account for free. We don’t provide any paid options. With a free membership, you will have up to 5 GB of storage. If you want more, you can contact us at contact@tanzil.ma, or you can create as many accounts as you want to enjoy the free storage.

Withdrawal Methods

Wester Union

Upload Files

Drag and drop your files or click here to upload

You can also browse files from your device

Edit file details

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